Step 5. Testing gateway
Setting up the eZPaypal extension
Login to your admin interface, for example.
Navigate to 'Set up'->'Extension setup'.
In the list of available extensions check eZPaypal.
Press 'Activate extensions' button.
Setting up workflow
In admin interface navigate to 'Set up'->'Workflows'->'Standard'.
Press 'New workflow' button.
Enter a name for workflow, 'Paypal workflow' for example.
In the 'Event' section select 'Event/Payment gateway' and press 'New"
Enter a name for event and in the 'Type' section select 'Paypal'.
Press 'Store' button.
Navigate to 'Set up'->'Triggers'.
Select 'Paypal workflow' for module 'shop', function 'checkout',
connect type 'before'.
Press 'Store' button.
Testing gateway
Login to you shop site, for example.
Add some products to your basket.
Press 'Checkout' button.
Confirm your order.
You will be redirected to PayPal site. Use your test customer account to pay.
After you are finished with PayPal you will be redirected back to your shop site.
Login to the admin interface.
Navigate to the 'Shop' section. In the 'Order list' you should see your order.