========================================================= Commit tuning ========================================================= :Author: Paul Borgermans :Version: 1.0 draft :Revision: $Rev: 4329 $ :Date: $Date: 2009-12-10 12:03:39 +0100 (Thu, 10 Dec 2009) $ .. sectnum:: .. contents:: .. NOTE : for a better reading experience, convert me to HTML with rst2html. Introduction ============ Since Solr 1.4, some enhancements on how commits are performed were added on top of the existing "commit after N docs" and "commit after X secs since previous commit" configuration parameters in solrconf.xml Some customers with high write rates and considerable search volumes currently experience a kind of race conditions when several commits are issued while Solr is refreshing its IndexReader structures. The idea is to add the commitWithin parameters with commands and also to provide better support for the existing "delaying" commit features in Solr Related issues ============== Premium customer issue via public tracker http://issues.ez.no/IssueView.php?Id=15931&activeItem=1 Implementation ============== Provide more ini configuration parameters and extend API's to support all Solr commit parameters ezfind.ini [IndexOptions] ## If true, another mechanism must be enabled to do commits: cronjob, # solrconf.xml or by giving CommitWithin a positive value (expressed in milliseconds) DisableDirectCommits=false (default) ## If set to a positive value will add those delays with every addObject call # if set to 0 (default), it will be ignored CommitWithin=0 (default)